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  • The Second Sighting Of Lerris
    White Knight
    26 Aug 2003

    This tavern is like all others nearby. It is full of a motley crew of folks looking to buy food, drink, and maybe some companionship. Or at least it was like all nearby, until this stranger showed up. He is an elf, yet he seems far more friendly than any elf from the tales I've heard. Since no one here had ever seen an elf up close he quickly became the center of attention. Although he would have had he been human as well. With his looks every girl from farm-maid to high born noble would turn his way and pant as shamelessly as a hound in heat. I've already heard the serving girls say that they would kill to have either his long golden hair or his deep green eyes.

    He also carries an instrument. I believe is a gittern but it is much larger than any I've seen before. It has twelve strings rather than the more common four or even the rarer eight stringed ones. It seems made of some hard wood for nothing else would not have some scratch upon it by now. I should know about woods, my father's a carver after all.

    And his ring! I'd have thought him fairly low born even aside from the instrument if not for that. A ring made by magic it must be. There is no other way that gold, ruby, emerald, and black iron can be combined like that. They are spun together like threads in a weavers loom. Yet the elf wears very simple clothes and does not carry himself with the arrogance of even a human noble.

    Ahh, here's something of interest. Even while I sit here writing this all down one of the local hire-swords seems to take a notion to challenge the elf. This hire sword used to be a minstrel, and a good one at that. He took to the sword after he was attacked by bandits and could not defend himself.

    The evening just got a lot more livelier. It seems as though the entire village has turned out for this. Word travels fast in small villages like these.

    The hire-sword, I believe his name is Belthar, has just stood up and now says, "Hey, you. You think you can play that better than I can play mine? I bet I can outplay you any day."

    The elf merely gives a sad smile. He responds with two words, "Then play." Belthar seems confused. "Then you'll play after and we'll let the others decide?"

    "Of course. Would you like to set a wager on the outcome?" The elf doesn't really seem to be interested in any wager, it's as if he already knows he will win. He's in for a suprise then. Belthar can outclass most bards.

    "Yeah, I'd like to wager. Fifty gold says that I can play better than you with my instrument and my song than you can with yours." Ye gods, Belthar must be sure of his new song and of himself. That's a year's pay and then some for him.

    The elf sighs rather tiredly. "Very well, but when you lose remember that you set the stakes. I agree to your terms."

    Belthar seems taken aback from this statement but he smiles anyway. Belthar picks up his lute and begins to play his new song. The fingerings of this song are the most complex that I have ever seen. The tempo runs fast and then slow in a way that would trip any lutenist's fingers unless they were very careful. The song itself is an odd love song where the singer knows not who he loves until the song ends and he loves all his listeners. The crowd goes entirely silent. No one here had ever heard music of such amazing quality.

    Belthar finishes with a flourish and then stands up and grandly announces "After facing mastery such as that you may back down from our bet if you wish. I will not consider you dishonorable."

    The elf seems mildly upset. "I have not before backed down from a musical contest. And I see no reason to do so now. You do indeed play well good sir, but I believe that I can match and even surpass your song."

    With that Lerris puts his gittern into position. Belthar sits back with an amused expression and waits to collect his money. I can't see how anyone, even an elf could surpass that which we have heard tonight.

    Lerris starts by simply introducing his song as "ShadowLover." And then he begins to play. As complex as Belthar's song had been, this made it seem to be a mere practice lesson. All the music I have ever heard before and will ever hear after pales in comparison to this. Lerris sings and plays of one who is courted by Death itself and welcomes Her courting. Soon after the start of the song it's as if I can hear Death's promises whispered throughout the room even though Lerris is singing the lyrics to the song. By the time Lerris has finished his song there is no doubt that Lerris is the best musician that we country folk have ever heard and will ever hear again.

    When the last throbbing note finally dies in the silence broken only by the crackling of the fire, Lerris stands. "Now that I have played for you I give you the chance to back down. I have never heard a mortal who could match me in music."

    Belthar merely stands slowly, breaks his lute in half and walks out of the tavern. And the coins nearly rain down from everyone about. Lerris merely picks up three silvers and asks if they are enough to cover the price of a room, supper, and a hot bath.