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  • maybe? I'm not sure
    29 Sep 2003

    Sometimes all I need is to feel that there is something that is beyond me. Something I cannot control, cannot help.

    You sit there thinking how even the sound of their breathing makes you want to throw up. You don't want to hear them talk, you don't want to see them smiling, you don't understand how they can be so awful. But one little thought you forgot to throw away with all the rest, bites you just then. And you just can't help but like them. You miss them. You wonder.

    Sometimes I like that I can't help liking someone. Maybe it's because I think that there is something more, something I will never understand...something that is beautiful.

    It gives me hope that there is much more than what I see and taste. There is something that never changes. I like how something so invisible can be so definite to me. It becomes the only thing I can count on.

    No matter what happens.