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  • Pieces of Blue
  • Rainbow
  • Shades of Light


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  • One
    22 Dec 2003

    Staring into nothingness
    Deep blue-black space
    Stretching towards land, sea, itself
    Sitting on the damp sand
    Feeling the grainy sand rushing
    Through my feet, my hands
    Feeling the cold, the warmth, everything
    I am content, for once
    Peaceful, calm, emptied of this world
    Life moves in front of me
    Listlessly, never quenched, never stopping
    Evanescent perpetuity in the passing
    And I sit there,
    Unmoving, unthinking, undecaying
    Life, new life coursing through
    Pores, nerves, every essence of my being
    What am I to do
    As I surrender unknowingly
    To the comfort, the trust that seeps through
    The atoms of the air itself
    And as passion grows
    The air becomes my confidant, friend, soulmate
    And I move on
    A new life
    A new hope
    A new companion in my stead
    I am one.