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  • metaphorical angel
    24 May 2004

    woke up this morning and grabbed myself a gun. no, not really.but metaphorically speaking, i did wake up this morning and say to myself, why don't i make a difference in life today. it turns out that there are really angels and i am one of them, supposedly. lifting someone from a burning car (kindof) makes me an angel. But lifting someone out of the light and pulling them into the dark makes me a satan worshiper. I have made my difference. I have made my mark. But no one seems to recognize what i have done. I have singlehandedly pulled people into the metaphorical dark. The dark is the minority, the dark is what we are afraid of. but maybe the dark is more afraid of us than we are of it. Maybe whatever is in the dark that we don't want to see, doesn't want to see us. So angels open up to whoever or whatever is in the dark and pull them above the water. metaphoracally speaking. so why am i different for wanting to help the ones in the dark, be the angel of darkness? I don't know. I really don't know.

    im just thinking too much