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  • In search of myself
    29 Feb 2004

    Sometimes we portray ourselves in ways that only the other would appreciate. We allow our own personal desires to become clouded and be replaced with the feelings, fears and general identity of this other. Now, I don't mean the age old sociological discourse on sense of otherness, I mean that one person with whom our soul is so enamoured that you emulate them in the purest form possible. I use the word purest because we replicate the parts of that person that they can not identify as theirs, from speech patterns to the inherent bad traits such as a bad temper or radical views that if we admit to ourselves we do not understand but will take these views as our own. Part of emulating this paragon of perfection is the flawless skill that we attain in understanding them. Do we single-handedly break down their psyche in a way that would leave even Freud amazed? Of course we do! This leaves our prey confused and bewildered for as everyone knows to get to the heart we must enter through the mind. So how does this occur? A Trojan horse. It's pretty clear that the Greeks had the right idea, distract your assailant with something so obvious that it could never possibly be considered a threat. What is this sneaky trick? Friendship. The only way into the mind that could lead you to the heart. But, you run the risk of maybe getting trapped in the chamber where love for friends and other such people are held. The door to passion is small and sometimes totally beyond your reach but life is short and passion such as these shorter so try, because even in failure we discover more of ourselves.