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  • safety net
    27 Jul 2004

    How safe can you be sitting on a rock thrown at a speed of 3 hundred thousand km per hour through a storm of debris that are all flying at more or less the same speed, barely kept from hitting against each other by some strange law beyond our grasp and power? What protection do we have against a world that arose out of destruction and is a mere speck in a huge picture that wouldn't change a shade if it were to be wiped off completely? What's the surety of tomorrow when we live surrounded by a darkness that has the power to engulf our sun in a second and reduce this world to just another ice-covered globe lost in oblivion? What do we have but regular jobs and salary cheques and fixed deposits and recurring deposits and insurance covers? What if there are worlds out there that are as young as we were a million years back? What if there are worlds out there that have seen the years we are seeing now and are now forbidden worlds where certificates and proofs of money stored in a bank are hidden under tonnes and tonnes of ice? Why are we living for a time that may never come?