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  • Time of My Life
    23 Apr 2004

    It was the time of my life
    But I didn't know it.
    I don't feel bad, though
    Because you didn't either

    I've seen you around
    And in that cheesy internet chat room.
    But we don't talk like we used to
    Just about real life that isn't ours.

    We could have made it, if we tried
    But we didn't, so we didn't
    Don't beat yourself up over it,
    It really was my fault.

    When we talk I try to think about you
    Screwing someone else.
    Even though I'm not very comfortable with that
    But then again, you never have been either.

    When we don't talk anymore, I'll miss you
    Just like I miss the hair on my pillow.
    And you undressing me when I drank too much
    Or you didn't drink enough.

    You'll move away, but never leave
    The apartment you rent inside me is fee
    And always occupied
    And always empty.

    Your friends were all weird or gay or sane.
    And mine didn't like you very much
    But that didn't bother me
    Right up until you left.

    But we'll still smile to one another.
    And share the things
    We can't with others.
    Because we had "it"

    We knew what it was
    And where it lived
    All the "wh" questions we learned
    In all the smart classes we took.

    It lived in us
    When we were born
    But it didn't die when we did.
    We held it in a cage.

    Occasionally we feed it
    With hints and innuendo
    And promises we'll make tomorrow
    For security today.

    Because as long as we're alive, it is.
    And as long as we're alive
    You and I
    Are never alone.

    Your thoughts?