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Words of Wisdom - QuotesDon't cry upon you losses Don't mesure today with tommorows Don't trust to passed and coming day Believe in now - and be happy today. There are two people who endeavour but whose work is needless: that one who stores money and doesn't use it, and that one who studies and doesn't apply his knowledge. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. Our life is frittered away by detail... Simplify, simplify. If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction. Life guarantees a chance - not a fair shake. We all find time to do what we really want to do. Too much consistency is as bad for the mind as for the body. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six. Police quote I will allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. Luck is not chance, it is toil. Fortune's expensive smile is earned. Instead of your "what-if" attitude, for a change, say, "this is my life and I'll live it the way I choose. I'll make my decisions for me and my family and if Life doesn't agree with what I think, Life jolly well get out of my way." Chance favors the prepared mind. Thunder is good, thunder is impressive. But it is lightning that does the work. He who breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of wisdom. The Lord of the Rings Always try to stop talking before people stop listening. Wisdom is knowing which path to take... Integrety is taking it. Cattle die, kinsmen die, and so shall you die too. But one thing I know that never dies: the fame of a dead man's deeds. Icelandic Viking proverb Adjust your actions to your goals not your goals to you actions. Up 'til now the philosophers have only interpreted the world in a various ways. The point, though, is to change it. Senility - is the level of struggle with your own passions. Don't forget that when you become famous and great, your devil will be egoism and your king will be self-esteem, and they will do their best to destroy your soul and mind. The best praise - is the one told by the person, to whom you did nothing good. We are all guilty in someone's eyes. More so our own. No Escape Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Since we can be sure that the Devil fears damnation, beware of men who fear death. Peace is not an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. May I take the ridiculous position of saying that I do not like the way [Andre] Gide exalts the body. He asks it to restrain its desire to make it keener. Thus he comes dangersouly near to those who in brothel slang are called involved or brain-workers. Christianity also wants to suspend desire. But, more natural, it sees a mortification in this. My friend Vincent, who is a cooper and junior breast-stroke champion, has an even clear veiw. He drinks when he is thirsty, if he desires a woman he tries to go to bed with her, and would marry her if he loved her (this hasn't yet happened). Afterward he says: "I feel better"-- and this sums up vigorously any apology that might be made for satiety. Summer in Algiers O my soul, do not aspire to immortal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible. Pythian iii Walk on air against your better judgement. Life is but a game of solitare, you play it alone and deal with the cards you are dealt. True men of this world do not wish. They change that which they know can be changed, they accept what cannot, and they always strive for the wisdom to know the difference. Magnus OFFICER: You really are a clown Lawrence. T.E. LAWRENCE: Well, we can't all be lion-tamers. Lawrence of ArabiaGod, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. The fish trap exists because of the fish; once you have got the fish, you can forget about the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit; Once you have the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning; once you have got the meaning, you forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so that I can have a word with him? To know that we know what we know and that which we do not know we do not know: This is true knowledge. Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I will remember. Let me do it, and I will understand. The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. There is no greatness where simplicity, goodness and truth are absent. The prime necessities for success in life are money, athleticism, tailor made clothes and a charming smile. Keep The Aspidistra Flying |
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