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Love and Dreams - Quotes

Be humble, for you are made of the earth. Be noble, for you are made of the stars.

Serbian proverb

Why is it better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all? I don't get it. If you've never loved, you don't know what you're missing.

It's only when you've experienced it firsthand that the idea of losing it can seem so intolerably painful, so nauseatingly frightening, surely?

Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

For this reason I believe there should be separate phrases.

1. "It's better to be in love than never to have loved at all."

2. "It's better to be hit by a truck than to have loved and lost."

The conflict between the reason and love kills the heart, the same as the country will be demolished if the civil war starts.

Munis Avazbay (Uzbek poet)

I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than an eternity without it. One.

City of Angels

I never dreamed cause I always thought that dreaming was for kids, just a childish thing, and I can swear love is just a game that children play but no more than a game, till I met you.

Odette Quesada
Till I met You

Dans les forets noir je vais les soirs, les belles etoiles sont au-dessus, je pense que dans leur lumineres, je voir les yeu des ceux qui m'aiment
(In dark forests I go by night, the beautiful stars are up above, I think that in their lights, I see the eyes of those who love me.)

Tanith Less

What good is a heart, if it does not break?

Jason Quek

Love is the only endeavor in which knowing what you're doing is no help at all.

Neil Lowe

If you choose not to return, I will understand. Your absence will be of my own doing. But at the same time my existence will be utterly miserable without you by my side. I will shiver, for you are my warmth - I will be lonely, for you are my friend - I will be lost, for you are my guide. Everything good in me, no matter how small, you discover. I long to see your smile in the morning, to feel your touch in the evening. Please, Kathryn, return and grant me your forgiveness.

Cameron Wright
Letters for Emily

The thing about walking alone, it allows you to reflect on your day. And I couldn't wait to reflect on this one, but I guess it would have to wait.

Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal

Approach Love and life with reckless abandon

Dalai Lama

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

Anais Nin
