Martha's Maxim:
If you cast your bread upon the waters, it will return soggy.
Hill's First Law of Salesmanship:
Treat the customer like a mushroom; keep him in the dark and spread manure on him at frequent intervals.
Glatter's Rule:
Always eat before going to a wedding, funeral, confirmation, or bar mitzvah because it will be a long time between services and meals.
Bucy's Law:
Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.
Schafer's Axiom:
Children, as a class, flunk.
The Ultimate-Confusion Rule:
The little boy who dropped his chewing gum in the chicken yard.
Jones's Law:
The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on.
Jones's Motto:
Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
McClaughry's Codicil on Jones's Motto:
To make an enemy, do someone a favor.
The First Law of Debate:
Never argue with a fool - people might not know the difference.
Van Hoffman's Adage:
We are the people our parents warned us against.
Cusick's Postulate:
Suicide is confession and confession is suicide.
The Law of Probable Dispersal, or the "How Come it All Landed on Me?" Law:
Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
Sociology's Iron Law of Oligarchy:
In every organized activity, no matter the sphere, a small number will become the oligarchical leaders and the others will follow.
Horace's Hypothesis:
Life is largely a matter of expectation.
Pastore's Truths:
Green's Law:
You cannot afford to be funny unless you are paid for it.
Pudder's Law:
Anything that begins well ends badly. Anything that begins badly ends worse.
George's Lament:
The one exception to the rule that what goes up must come down is the landing gear.
Lowery's Law:
If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
Starr's Law:
It's only the people who you don't know who know what they're doing.
Gentry's Rule:
If ambition doesn't hurt, you haven't got it.
Ferris' Frothing:
Whatever their faults, the Communists never created canned laughter.
Kelly's Observations:
Mom's Law:
If you play with anything long enough, it breaks.
Searle's Sage Sample:
The cussedness of inanimate objects is beyond understanding.
Raven's Ravings:
Flucard's Corollary:
Anything dropped in the bathroom falls in the toilet.
Wright's Conclusion:
Man cannot live by bread alone.
Mahr's Law of Restrained Involvement:
Don't get any on you.
Dad's Longevity Law:
Abstain from wine, women, and song. Mostly song.
The Go-Getter Rule:
Let them that don't want none have memories of not gettin' any.
Parkinson's Law of Delay:
Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
The Apothegm of Disillusioned Wisdom:
The only way to compensate for the shortness of life is to wear a long face.
Mark Twain's Law of Fisticuffs:
Place your nose firmly between your opponent's teeth and throw him heavily to the ground on top of you.
Ellenberg's Theory:
One good turn gets most of the blanket.
The Tarnished Golden Rule:
Cannon's Cogent Comments:
Milton Friedman's Observation:
Human beings are distinguished from other animals more by their ability to rationalize than their ability to reason.
The Happy Hunter's Prayer:
Let me meet a girl who already has had enough to drink.
Ziegier's Observation:
It's a great life, if you weaken early enough to enjoy it.
The Attorney's Axiom:
Every good question breeds good and bad questions - and usually the person who asks the bad questions can't be stopped by good answers.
Dr. August's Law:
The less influence you have-the longer you wait.
Winston Churchill's Commentary on Man:
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he just picks himself up and stumbles on.
Babe Ruth's Rule:
Him what hits 'em goes and gits 'em.
Bonetti's Law:
The less you bet, the more you lose when you win.
Porter's Axiom:
Pain is forgotten; insult lingers on.
Law of Selective Attractiveness:
Getting anything changes it from being desirable to just being taken for granted.
Martino's Corollary:
It's not what you don't know that hurts you; it's all those things you know that aren't so.
Ponsy's Postulates:
Bolior's Bromide:
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
Plaut's Postulate:
Apathy is becoming a major problem-but who cares?
The Undertaker's Amendment:
Every shroud has a silver lining.
The Sukhomlinov Law:
The most brilliantly dressed army will usually lose.
Max's Maxim:
I'm for whoever gets you through the night-whether he be Jesus Christ or Jack Daniel.
Hagerty's Law:
If you lose your temper at a newspaper columnist, he'll get rich or famous or both.
The Apartment Dweller's Law:
Your upstairs neighbors dance, your downstairs neighbors hit the roof, and your next-door neighbors play handball.
The Apartment Dweller's Corollary:
Neighbors never sleep.
Busch's Logical Conclusion:
When you are young, your security is your youth. When you are old, you damn well better have money.
Sid's Sayings:
Buerk's Conclusion:
Schwartz's Obsevration:
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're not being followed.
More of Murphy's Laws:
Mottler's Conclusion:
The scheduled program that is most widely publicized locally will be preempted nationally.
Lazarus' Observation:
Familiarity breeds consent.
Hoffman's Corollary:
The number of times you "gotta go" has a direct correlation with the number of toilets in the house.
Ferris' Conclusion:
Middle age is that wonderful period between the time when you don't know how and the time when you can't.
Ferris' Question:
It may be nature's way for mules to bray and chickens to cackle, but why must they always congregate in TV's studio audiences?
Keegan's Corollary:
Many Irishmen grow grapes-for raisins of their own.
Grandma Soderquist's Sage Thought:
The family that has taffy-pulls together, sticks together.
Golden Rules of Indulgence:
McGoon's Law:
The probability of winning is inversely proportional to the amount of the wager.
Gumperson's Laws of Perverse Opposites:
Shafer's Truisms:
SUPPLY AND DEMAND: Lack of money is the root of all compromise.THE NUCLEAR REACTOR HYPOTHESIS: We'll all go together when we go.
THE SECURITY OATH: Ask your mother.
THE DISILLUSIONMENT PRINCIPLE: There's nothing new under the sun.
THE BUDDY SYSTEM: Succeed on your own, or not at all.
THE DIPLOMACY PLOY: If you don't grow vegetables, it helps to praise and admire the garden in your neighbor's yard.
THE "PAY-OFF" THEORY: Only losers believe in luck, horses, horoscopes, and lotteries.
PROGRESS METHODOLOGY: Bribes and. threats produce miracles.
THE ULTIMATE ONE-UPMANSHIP: Be sure your dog can lick every dog in your neighborhood.
THE BEHAVIOR-MODIFICATION CONCEPT: Some people are born rich and some are born poor. Rich is better.
THE FUTURE-SHOCK HYPOTHESIS: The time to leave is when the tar is hot, the feathers loose, and you see two men walking toward you with a pole.
THE EMPLOYEE'S POSITION: The establishment in any field seldom earns it pay.
THE "WE DO IT ALL FOR YOU" FUNCTION: The function of McDonald's is quite simple: Women's Liberation.
THE AMERICAN INDIAN CONCLUSION: When the chips are down, guns and troops count more than beads and blankets.