The Shadow Rising
Robert Jordan ![]() |
On the heights, the paths are paved with daggers.
"I know you hate the word. I'll try my best not to treat you like porcelain but if you ask me to watch you die, I will tie you like a lamb for market and send you off to Mistress Luhhan. She won't stand for any such nonsense."
Perrin and Faile
"You read too much and understand too little."
"The Dragon Reborn is a wetlander prophecy. Ours is He Who Comes With The Dawn."
"Rand al'Thor is a mule-headed, stone-willed fool of a... a... a man!"
Moiraine and Nynaeve
"A weeping woman is a bucket with no bottom."
"Have you ever been in love, Moiraine?"
Egwene al'Vere
"Can't you do something to help him?" Nynaeve demanded. "You are the one of us who is supposed to know everything, or pretends to. Can't you teach him? Some part of it, anyway? And don't quote proverbs about birds teaching fish to fly."
6, Doorways, 120 "War will come whether Rand begins it or not. The Forsaken will not stand idly and wait. Sammael cannot be the only one to have seized a nation's reins, just the lone one we know. They will come after Rand eventually, in their own persons perhaps, but certainly with whatever armies they command. And the nations that are free of the Forsaken? How many will cry glory to the Dragon Banner and follow him to Tarmon Gai'don, and how many of them will convince themselves the fall of the Stone is a lie and Rand only another false Dragon who must be put down, a false Dragon perhaps strong enough to threaten them if they do not move against him first? One way or another, war will come."
"Power of the Shadow made human flesh, wakened to turmoil, strife and ruin. The Reborn One, marked and bleeding, dances the sword in dreams and mist, chains the Shadowsworn to his will, from the city, lost and forsaken, leads the spears to war once more, breaks the spears and makes they see, truth long hidden in the ancient dream."
Prophecies of the Dragon
"When I marry, it will be because I want to, not just because a man expects me to love him. I will be gentle with him, Elayne, but before I am done, he will know he is free. Whether he wants to be or not. My mother says men are different from us. She says we want to be in love, but only with the one we want; a man needs to be in love, but he will love the first woman to tie a string to his heart."
Egwene al'Vere
"That's nothing like what I do. Let it fill me? I have to reach out and take hold of saidin. Sometimes there's still nothing there when I do, nothing I can touch, but if I didn't reach for it, I could stand there forever and nothing would happen. It fills me all right, once I take hold, but surrender to it? Egwene, if I surrendered - even for one minute - Saidin would consume me. It's like a river of molten metal, an ocean of fire, all the light of the sun gathered in one spot. I must fight it to make it do what I want, fight it to keep from being eaten up."
Rand al'Thor
Why was it women could go to pieces or fly into rage at the smallest thing, yet never flicker an eyelash at what left you gaping?
"I just want to know what's going to happen. What comes next? What's in these holes in my memory? There are chunks of my life that aren't even there; they don't exist, as if they never happened! Why do I find myself spouting gibberish? People say it's the Old Tongue, but it's goose babble to me. I want to know, Egwene. I have to know, before I go as crazy as Rand."
Matrim Cauthon
"Egwene, do you ever wish you were back home? That none of this ever happened?"
Matrim Cauthon
"A wise ruler takes advice, but should never be seen to take it. Let them think you know more than you do. It will not harm them, and it will help you."
"Do you know why some of us fear you? Do you have any idea? Because they are afraid the Great Lord of the Dark will give you a place above them."
"Death cannot be healed, Rand. You are not the Creator."
"What fate?"
"You have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. You have made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones. Remember this, on this journey you insist on making. If you die, I will not survive you long."
al'Lan Mandragoran
"Thomdril Merrilyn. Called the Gray Fox, once, by some who knew him, or knew of him. Court bard at the Royal Palace of Andor in Caemlyn, Morgase's lover for a time, after Taringail died... a man who, it was said, could play the Game of Houses in his sleep. It is a shame such a man calls himself a simple gleeman. But such arrogance to keep the same name."
"Moiraine Damodred. The Lady Moiraine of house Damodred, in Cairhien. Taringail's youngest half sister. King Laman's niece. And Aes Sedai, let us not forget."
Thom Merrilyn
"Do not trouble trouble till trouble troubles you."
Siuan Sanche
To anger the Ogier and pull the mountains down on your head.
"Do you know what you are doing, Perrin?" "No. But there's no reason for Faile to know that." "It is fun to be so young, is it not, Perrin?"
Gaul and Perrin
"Borrow trouble and you repay ten-fold."
Nynaeve al'Meara
"A ship is alive, and he is like a man, with a true man's heart. Treat him well and care for him properly, and he will fight for you against the worst sea. He will fight to keep you alive even after the sea has long since given him his deathstroke. Neglect him, though, ignore the small warnings he gives of danger, and he will drown you in a flat sea beneath a cloudless sky."
"The Old Tongue is often difficult to translate.Tel'aran'rhoid means the World of Dreams, or perhaps the unseen world. Neither is really exact; it is more complex than that. Aan'allien. One Man, but also The Man Who Is an Entire People, and two or three other ways to translate it as well... Warder are called 'Gaidin,' which was 'brothers to battle.' Aes Sedai meant 'servant of all.' And 'Aiel.' 'Dedicated,' in the Old Tongue. And 'Jenn Aiel.' 'The true dedicated'...
"Death is lighter as a feather, duty heavier than a mountain."
Matrim Cauthon
"As well you try to understand the sun, Perrin. It simply is, and it is not to be understood. You cannot live without it, but it exacts a price. So with women."
"If you plan for the worst, all surprises are pleasant."
"You have a bannerman's courage, which some say cannot be told from foolhardiness."
"If you ask the lion to protect from from wolves, you have only chosen to end in one belly instead of another."
"A Warder once told me Trollocs called the Aiel Waste 'the Dying Ground.' I mean to make them give that name to the Two Rivers."
Perrin Aybarra
"Have a care. Ta'veren does not mean immortal."
"In this case, the whole truth, the truth known only to Wise Ones and clan chiefs before this, is that you are our doom. Our doom, and our salvation. Without you, no one of our people will live beyond the Last Battle. Perhaps not even until the Last Battle. That is prophecy, and truth. With you... 'He shall spill out the blood of those who call Aiel as water on sand, and he shall break them as dried twigs, yet the remnant of a remnant shall he save, and they shall live.' A hard prophecy, but this has never been a gentle land."
"What are you going to do now?" Mat asked.
Mat and Rand
"Elayne is a wetlander, your own kind. Exactly the woman for you. Is she not beautiful? Her back is straight, her limbs supple and strong, her lips like plump loveapples. Her hair is spun gold, her eyes blue sapphires. Her skin is smoother than the finest silk, her bosom fine and well-rounded. Her hips are -"
Rand and Aviendha
"You can't see it, or feel it. We ride with evil now, Mat. Watch yourself."
Rand al'Thor
"Trollocs do not come into the Three-fold Land, wetlander. Not more than a few miles below the Blight, at least, and then seldom. I have heard they call the Three-fold Land the Dying Ground. We hunt Trollocs, wetlander, they do not hunt us."
"How do Aiel fight, Lan?"
Rand and Lan
"That mountain can grow awfully heavy sometimes. When do you find a chance to put it down a while?"
Rand and Lan
"I don't want to be any bloody hero."
Matrim Cauthon
"That is always important, Mat, who stays alive. It's like dice. You can't win if you can't play, and you can't play if you are dead."
Rand al'Thor
"You have to understand, child. Everyone wants someone in their life, someone who cares for them, someone they can care for. Even a queen."
Thom Merrilyn
"What will be, will be. All things die in their time."
"Perrin, my father says a general can take care of the living or weep for the dead, but he cannot do both."
"My father is Davram of House Bashere, Lord of Bashere, Tyr and Sidona, Guardian of the Blight Border, Defender of the Heartland, Marshal-General to Queen Tenobia of Saldaea. And her uncle."
"A Myrddraal has less cunning than a woman, and a Trolloc fights with more honor. And a goat has more sense."
"Prophecy is most dangerous when you try to make it happen... The Pattern weaves itself around you, but when you try to weave it, even you cannot hold it."
Why did men always think it was right to keep you safer than they kept themsleves? Why did they think their injuries mattered less than yours?
"Just because I can hook a shark from a boat, I do not offer to wrestle it in water."
"Facing Moghedian is difficult, and not only because she is Forsaken. She hides and takes no risks. She attacks only where she sees weakness, and moves only in shadows. If she fears defeat, she will run; she is not one to fight to the last, even when doing so has a chance of victory. A chance is not enough for Moghedian. But do not take her lightly. She is a serpent coiled in high grass, waiting her own moment to strike, with less compassion than the snake. Especially here do not take her lightly. Lanfear always claimed Tel'aran'rhoid for her own, but Moghedian could do things here far beyond Lanfear, though she has not Lanfear's strength in the world of flesh. I think she would not take the risk of confronting Lanfear."
"You captured Moghedian? You captured one of the Forsaken?"
"You Chosen gave your souls to the Dark One. You let him attach himself to you. I cut him off from the Dark One, Lanfear. I cut him off! He is still the same man who gave himself to the shadow in the first place. You told me how little you Chosen trust one another. How long could he keep it a secret? How many of you would believe he didn't do it himself somehow? I am glad you thought it possible; maybe the rest of you as well. You gave me the whole idea, Lanfear. A man to teach me how to control the Power. But I won't be taught by a man linked to the Dark One. Now I don't have to be. He may be the same man, but he doesn't have much choice, does he? He can stay and teach me, hope I win, help me win, or he can hope the rest of you don't take the excuse to turn on him. Which do you think he'll choose?"
Rand al'Thor
"I do not kill without cause, Lews Therin. I do not even hurt without cause."
"My name was Joar Addam Nesossin."