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words made by changing the order of letters in another wod.
Warning: as some of the anagrams are crude, vulgar and insulting, please read everything with an open mind. They are arranged in alphabetical order.
- A Decimal Point
- I'm a dot in place- A Metal Detector
- Reacted to metal.- Albert Einstein
- Ten elite brains- Alicia Silverstone
- Erotica Villainess- American coffee
- A offence! A crime!- Animosity
- Is No Amity- Apple Macintosh
- Laptop machines!- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- He's grown large 'n' crazed- Arrived a day late
- Arrived at a delay.- Australia
- A trial USA- Axl Rose
- Oral Sex- Bottoms Up!
- Pubs' motto!- Breasts
- Set bras- British Airways
- This is war by air- Bruce Willis
- I screw. I bull.- But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.
- A crowd of true butthead sodomites! The abhorrent fuckers shall be sent off straight to Hell.- Celine Dion
- No, I decline- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Poison choked Uncle...- Chinese Takeaway
- Nasty! I ache a week- Clint Eastwood
- Old West action!- Contradiction
- Accord not in it- Cure for a hangover
- Reach over for a gun- Diego Maradona
- An adored amigo- Desperation
- A rope ends it- Dormitory
- Dirty room- Eleven plus two
- Twelve plus one- Elle Macpherson
- Her men collapse- Elvis
- Lives!- Equal opportunities
- Quieter populations- Evangelist
- Evil's agent- Funeral
- Real fun- Gillian Anderson
- No aliens, darling- Heads or Tails?
- I herald a toss!- Henry Miller
- Merry in Hell- Kentucky Fried Chicken
- Chef dick in turkey neck- Listen
- Silent- Liverpool Street Station
- Ole! Trainspotters love it!- Marines
- Remains- Marriage
- A grim era- Masturbation
- A moan, - it burst!- Mel Gibson
- Big melons- Mike Tyson
- Sit, monkey!- Mother-in-law
- Woman Hitler- Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
- Two Canadian Provinces - lands I dread!- Oscar Wilde
- Ladies' crow- Pentium Processor
- Computerises Porn- Pepsi Cola
- Episcopal- Power Macintosh
- Now compare this!- Pre-menstrual tension
- Men or internals upset- President Boris Yeltsin
- One isn't terribly pissed- President Clinton attacks Saddam Hussein
- It isn't ruthless and action-packed madness?- Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services
- No crashes and not equaled. Airliner never errs. Try it!- Resume historic planet adventure joy.
- Mercury - Just heat, not air. Speed on. Live.
- Venus - Clouds, major heat. Pity I re-enter.
- Earth - Deem us vital sunny port. Rejoice!
- Mars - Thin air, cool. Jet-up ventures eyed.
- Jupiter - Heavy, dense, I rule moon tracts.
- Saturn - Thy placid eerie moon. Just veer.
- Neptune - Sure is the major cold variety!
- Uranus - Over some tiny ejecta dirt. Help!
- Pluto - Just traversed in ice. Yearn home.- Rod Stewart
- Rated worst- Saddam Hussein
- Human's sad side- Santa in North Pole
- Satan in Porn Hotel- Sean Connery
- On any screen- Semolina
- Is no meal- Singapore Airlines
- Pioneer Asian girls- Slot Machines
- Cash lost in 'em- Snooze Alarms
- Alas! No more Z's- Ten Commandments
- Most men can't mend- Tequila sunrise
- It's urine's equal!- To be or not to be, that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
- In one of the Bard's best-thought-of strategies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two front on how life turns rotten.- That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind - Neil Armstrong:
- Thin man ran, makes large stride, left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!- The Aids Virus
- Hurts, I Advise- The Artist Formerly Known as 'Prince'
- No first-rate workmanship recently!- The Earthquakes
- That queer shake- The Grim Reaper
- Prime gatherer- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
- White Witch bothered another land- The Mafia
- Am a thief- The Manic Street Preachers
- Smarter, three-piece snatch- The Morse Code
- Here come dots- The Public Art Galleries
- Large picture halls, I bet- The World Cup in France
- French win? A crude plot.- United Nations
- Tainted Unions- Vegetarian
- Eat Vinegar- West Ham United
- The new stadium- When you enjoy something, you must never let logic get too much in the way. Like the villains in all the James Bond movies. Whenever Bond breaks into the complex: 'Ah, Mr. Bond, welcome, come in. Let me show you my entire evil plan and then put you in a death machine that doesn't work'. - Jerry Seinfeld, "Sein Language"
- Double-O-Seven has sex with plenty of women, too, but he never puts on a condom. Come on, you eerie, English agent! You can't have them all. There's pregnancy, Aids. I just know love'll kill you eventually. 'I'm intelligent, I'm bright, me, me, me. The job? Her Majesty can wait!'... Chase Dr. No, not women! - Mey K., in "Hide ID, Win Her Hand!"- William Butler Yeats
- A really sublime twit- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- A famous German waltz god- You're that good eh?
- Thou adore thy ego!