THE X-FILES The List (3x05) written by Chris Carter |
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NEECH MANLEY: The Lord says thou shall be merciful and just. I know no mercy. Allah says the spirit shall rise again and be reborn into this life. The soul shall be recast born unto new flesh. I will return to avenge all the petty tyranny and the cruelty I have suffered. I will be recast, reincarnated, reunion of spirit and flesh. Mark my words. Five men will die. Five men will go down! This will be my justice! This will be my law! This will be my capital punishment, and no stay of execution will be granted for there is no prejudice, no evidence to be admitted no lawyer who did not perform his job. These men will die righteous deaths!
WARDEN: If I make that deal I might as well go into the deal-making business. Every con with half a brain would come up with a scheme like that. SCULLY: Well, what if it saves three lives? Isn't that a deal worth making? WARDEN: Look, my job is about controlling anarchy. I don't run this prison, I just patrol it. Basically, it's war in here. We have freedom. They don't. Anything these men want, somehow it finds its way in here. They want another prisoner dead somebody's gonna find a way to put a shiv in. SCULLY: These aren't prisoners. These are guards you've got being murdered. WARDEN: Yes, and if I back down now, all I'll be doing is sending a message about the benefits of killing prison guards. There's a conspiracy at work here. I don't know who's behind it. But I am gonna crack it. That's my job. MULDER: Listen to this. "I come in return to the beginning of the end to begin again the journey of souls ... the godhead universal for whom there is no death only life eternal." SCULLY: What's that from? MULDER: Neech Manley, 1994. This stuff goes on for hundreds of pages. There's references to the Hindu Atman, Prarabdha, the Rosicrucians, Zoroastrianism. The man was obsessed with reincarnation. SCULLY: Being obsessed with it doesn't mean you can do it. MULDER: Unless he knew something we don't. SCULLY: Like what? The secret password? MULDER: Every major world religion encompasses the idea of life after death. That means millions, even billions of people believe in some kind of transmigration or rebirth of the soul. SCULLY: I'm sorry, Mulder, that's not what I learned in catechism. MULDER: Well, even Christianity teaches about the resurrection and ascendancy of the heavenly body. MULDER: Yeah, but imagine if it were true, Scully. Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be? SCULLY: I only get five? MULDER: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?