THE X-FILES Pine Bluff Variant (5x18) written by John Shiban |
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MULDER: What else can I say? I-I got as much to lose here as you do. They catch you, you'll flip me. Look, I believe in your ideals and your goals but the only reason I tolerate your methods is because the government's are worse.
SCULLY: There seems to be a problem. A man just told me you gave him keys to my room, room 130. MANAGER: Who are you? SCULLY: Who am I? Who is he? MANAGER: Mr. uh, Kaplan. Are you the wife? SCULLY: Not even close. HALEY: A war is going on, Agent Mulder. Either you're on the right side or the wrong. SKINNER: What happened to your hand? MULDER: Terrorist lie detector. CIA AGENT: Well, did you pass? MULDER: Well, I must have. I'm still here. SCULLY: Thank you. Now, CIA Intelligence suggested that this biotoxin was stolen from the Russians, but my research indicates that it was almost certainly developed domestically. SKINNER: The United States has no bioweapons, Agent Scully. President Nixon dismantled our program in 1969. SCULLY: Yes, sir, that's what we've been told, but the CDC database contains evidence of a streptococcus bacterium being developed by the Army's Pine Bluff Facility in the 1960's. It appears to be a very primitive strain of what we're seeing here. SKINNER: What are you saying? SCULLY: What I'm saying is that the bioweapons program may have continued in secret and that someone may be sending Agent Mulder on a suicide mission. BREMER: You're a believer? MULDER: I have my beliefs. BREMER: You willing to die for them? MULDER: I'd prefer it didn't come to that. MULDER: That money's as dirty as you are, isn't it. Isn't it? CIA AGENT: Say that were true. Then what do you hope to accomplish, Agent Mulder, as a whistle-blower? To mobilize a civil rights action? To bring down the federal government? To do the very work that group you were a part of is so bent on doing? What do you want? Laws against those men, or laws protecting them? MULDER: I want people to know the truth. CIA AGENT: Well sometimes our job is to protect those people from knowing it.