THE X-FILES The Blessing Way (3x01) "The Truth Is Out There" |
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ALBERT HOSTEEN: There is an ancient Indian saying that something lives only as long as the last person who remembers it. My people have come to trust memory over history. Memory, like fire, is radiant and immutable while history serves only those who seek to control it, those who douse the flame of memory in order to put out the dangerous fire of truth. Beware these men for they are dangerous themselves and unwise. Their false history is written in the blood of those who might remember and of those who seek the truth.
FROHIKE: He [Mulder] was a good friend. A redwood among sprouts. I guess this means he's passing you the torch. SCULLY: Uh, I'm afraid not. I'm soon to be out of a job. FROHIKE: Those sons of bitches. They're rigging the game. SCULLY: And like rats, they just scatter back into the woodpile. ALBERT HOSTEEN: ... my fear for the F.B.I. man was that his spirit did not want to be healed. That it wished to join the spirit of his own father who had died and did not want to return to the world of the living. His body has become tired and weak and it searches for rest. If the struggle to continue is too hard or the wish to join his ancestors too strong, the body will give up but if the desire to resume life burns brightly enough, the holy people will be merciful. MELISSA SCULLY: What are you so afraid of, Dana? You afraid you might actually learn something about yourself? I mean, you are so, you are so shut off to the possibility there could be any other explanation except for your rigid scientific view of the world. It's like you've lost all touch with your own intuition. You're carrying so much grief and fear that you can't see you, you've built up these walls around your true feelings and the memory of what really happened. MULDER: I have been on the bridge that spans two worlds, the link between all souls by which we cross into our own true nature. You were here today, looking for truth that was taken from you, a truth that was never to be spoken but which now binds us together in dangerous purpose. I have returned from the dead to continue with you... but I fear that this danger is now close at hand... that I may be too late. SCULLY: Who are you? WELL-MANICURED MAN: I'm a member of a kind of consortium. We represent certain global interests. SCULLY: What kind of interests? WELL-MANICURED MAN: Interests that would be extremely threatened by the digital tape that you are no longer in possession of. SCULLY: Threatened enough to murder? WELL-MANICURED MAN: Oh, my, yes. SCULLY: What are you here for? WELL-MANICURED MAN: To tell you your life is in danger too. SCULLY: Leave me alone. WELL-MANICURED MAN: They'll kill you one of two ways. They'll send someone, possibly two men. They'll kill you in your home or in the garage with an unregistered weapon which will be left at the scene. Using false documents supplied by associates of mine, they'll be out of the country in less than two hours. SCULLY: You said there were two ways. WELL-MANICURED MAN: Yes. He or she will be someone close to you. Someone you trust. They'll arrange a meeting or come to your house unexpectedly. Do you have someplace else you might stay? SCULLY: Why, why kill me? WELL-MANICURED MAN: You want something they don't. Justice. And because they are now quite certain you don't have the computer copy of the files they're looking for. SCULLY: Why are you protecting me? WELL-MANICURED MAN: I feel my colleagues are acting... impulsively and your death will draw unnecessary attention to our group. SCULLY: You're not protecting me, you're protecting yourself. WELL-MANICURED MAN: Why should that surprise you? Motives are rarely unselfish. SCULLY: What kind of business are you in? WELL-MANICURED MAN: We predict the future and the best way to predict the future is to invent it. SKINNER: Are you going to let me tell you why I'm here? SCULLY: I know why you're here. I want to know who sent you. Whose errand boy you are. SKINNER: No one sent me. SCULLY: You got the rest of your life to give me answers.