MULDER: In the sixties, a bellhop named Ted Serios became kind of famous for taking what he called "thoughtographs". He claimed that by concentrating on an unexposed film negative, he could create a photographic representation of what he saw in his mind. He did landscapes, cathedrals, the Queen of England.SCULLY: "Thoughtographs?"
MULDER: Also known as "skotographs."
SCULLY: What the hell does it matter?
MULDER: Because I want to know.
SCULLY: I don't.
SCULLY: My captivity forced me to understand and even empathize with Gerry Schnauz. My survival depended on it. I see now the value of such insight. For truly to pursue monsters, we must understand them. We must venture into their minds. Only in doing so, do we risk letting them venture into ours?