THE X-FILES Sixth Extinction (7x03) written by Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz |
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SCULLY: The passage from the Bible on an artifact that you were saying is extraterrestrial? MULDER: (voiceover) That would mean that our progenitors were alien, that our genesis was alien, that we're here because of them, that they put us here. And once you see all the mysteries of science, everything we can't understand or won't explain, everything in the X-Files, it all leads to them; it's from them. SCULLY: (voiceover) I came in search of something I did not believe existed. I've stayed on now, in spite of myself. In spite of everything I've ever held to be true. I will continue here as long as I can... as long as you are beset by the haunting illness which I saw consume your beautiful mind. What is this discovery I've made? How can I reconcile what I see with what I know? I feel this was meant not for me to find but for you... to make sense of -- make the connections which can't be ignored... connections which, for me, deny all logic and reason. What is this source of power I hold in my hand -- this rubbing -- a simple impression taken from the surface of the craft? I watched this rubbing take its undeniable hold on you, saw you succumb to its spiraling effect. Now I must work to uncover what your illness prevents you from finding. In the source of every illness lies its cure. SCULLY: (voiceover) I feel you slipping away from me with every minute I fail here. What are the elusive meanings I cannot see that are hidden here? If I could understand it, know how it affected you, learn how to use its power to save you. SKINNER: You're going to inject him? MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: No. You are. With a thousand milligrams of Phenytoin. SKINNER: I'm not injecting him with anything, not now and not till after I've talked to his doctor. MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: He's being given the wrong treatment. SKINNER: You're not a doctor. MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: No, but I've seen his condition. Who do you want to trust? SKINNER: Seen it where? MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: In a study. There's something like E.S.P. called "remote viewing." SKINNER: Whose study? MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: The company's -- the CIA, Mr. Skinner. Extreme subjects would go into arrest their minds working harder than their bodies could sustain. They became, in effect, all brain. Phenytoin was the only thing that could slow the electrical impulses to a normal rate. SKINNER: Agent Mulder knew about this. That's why he asked for you. MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: It's a brain abnormality. It's how you're able to read minds. MULDER: What's causing this is alien. That's why my doctors can't help me. MICHAEL KRITSCHGAU: I don't believe in aliens, Agent Mulder. I think you know that. MULDER: I do. That's why I need you. SCULLY: (voiceover) The work here is painstaking-- a slow and tedious piecing together. It appears to be a craft, its skin covered in the intricate symbols you and I both saw but which I now understand are part of a complex communication. Dr. Barnes has broken some of the symbols into letters using an ancient Navajo alphabet and, though it has helped to uncover some of what's here it has also made for greater confusion. On the top surface of the craft I'm finding words describing human genetics. Efforts to read the bottom of the craft have been harder. Our workers were scared away by phenomena I admit I can't explain-- a sea of blood, a swarm of insects. But what little we have found has been staggering-- passages from the Christian Bible, from pagan religions, from Ancient Sumeria... science and mysticism conjoined. But more than words, they are somehow imbued with power. I've ignored warnings to quit this work, remaining committed to finding answers, afraid only that our secret here won't last and that I might be too late. AMINA NGEBE: What this is. What the symbols spell out is a passage from the Koran. Qeyaamah. "The day of final judgment." On a spacecraft? Teachings of the ancient prophet Mohammed? SCULLY: I found more, too. 24 panels... One for each human chromosome. [22 pairs plus the two sex chromosomes -] A map of their makeup-- maybe a map of our entire genetic makeup... A complete human genome. I mean, it's like... it's the most beautiful... intricate work of art. AMINA NGEBE: It is the Word of God. DR. BARNES: You're wrong. There is no God. What's out there on the water... is only what we call "God"... What we call "creation"-- the spark that ignited the fire that cooked the old primordial soup... made animate from inanimate... made us. AMINA NGEBE: I believe he is mad from the sun. DR. BARNES: Mad? I'm perfectly sane... because today I understand everything, beginning and end, alpha and omega, everything in between. It's all been written. But the word is "extraterrestrial."