THE X-FILES Sanguinarium (4x06) |
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MULDER: You ever seen anything like that? SCULLY: Well... in med school I saw some weird stuff. Uh, there's a - a psychiatric disorder called pica which is characterized by the craving for non-food objects like clay, rocks, glue, but if she swallowed... MULDER: She would have died long before she yacked them up on the driveway. Unless, of course she didn't ingest them at all, which would fit with the phenomenon called allotriophagy. SCULLY: Allotriophagy? MULDER: Yeah, the spontaneous vomiting or disgorgement of foul or strange objects usually associated with someone possessed. SCULLY: Mulder, I - I won't refute that this woman may have been practicing the occult, but ... what comes out must first go in. MULDER: Well, according to this book people throughout history have coughed up all kinds of things from cue balls to butcher's knives without any explanation of how they got there. MULDER: This calendar was open to April. The 30th was marked by a symbol that you're familiar with by now? SCULLY: What's the significance of the 30th? MULDER: It's one of the four Greater Witches' Sabbaths, their seasonal high holy days - according to that book over there, it's also known as "Roodmas." It's also the birth date of the first victim. Now July 31st, is also marked with a pentagram. This coincides with "Lammas", another one of the Witches' Sabbaths. It's also the birth date of the second victim. SCULLY: So you think she was choosing her victims based on their birthdays. MULDER: No, no, remember, I said the pentagram is a - is a protective symbol. I think Rebecca Waite was trying to save those patients. I think she knew that they were in danger. SCULLY: What are you thinking, Mulder? That Dr. Cox murdered these patients ten years ago then became Dr. Franklyn? MULDER: No, Scully. I think he murdered those patients so he could become Dr. Franklyn. SCULLY: This kind of transformation is medically impossible. MULDER: It's not medicine, Scully. It's blood sacrifice. SCULLY: Blood sacrifice? MULDER: The most potent offering in black magic. What if this man, having reached the limits of medical miracles, decided to stage a miracle all his own? SCULLY: So this man committed these murders in order to make himself beautiful? MULDER: Everybody wants to be beautiful, Scully. MULDER: Scully, come over here. Stop right there. Look what you're standing on. This one's different. It's been inverted. See these two upright points here? They represent the God of Lust, attacking heaven with its horns.