MULDER: Well then this is presumptive, isn't it? A finding of death based on inconclusive evidence?DR. KEYSER: Well, actually it was noted right here, even underlined. "Inconclusive."
MULDER: Did you find out what caused her eye to hemorrhage?
SCULLY: No, but the opthamologist discovered something. Something called a transient scotoma.
MULDER: Scotoma?
SCULLY: A floating blind spot.
MULDER: I think that Teager has an ability - the ability to effectively erase himself from the visual field.
SKINNER: If he's invisible, then why is he on this video, clear as day?
MULDER: I think he can hide himself from human sight by manipulating something that Scully has referred to as naturally occurring, a blind spot.
SCULLY: Mulder, the government is not about to sacrifice the lives of ranking military officers just to discredit us.
MULDER: Discrediting us in this case is only secondary.
SCULLY: Secondary to what?
MULDER: To maintaining their secret policy of denial about POW's, which required silencing the men who made that policy.